ICFP is great fun as usual. There have been some good talks and there's a packed schedule for the next few days. Of course the most important business takes place during the coffee breaks and in the pubs in the evenings.
One thing that feels pretty new and exciting this year is the number of Haskell hackers going professional and independent. Apart from Well-Typed of course there's also the Tupil guys doing web development and Conal Elliott has himself up as a consultant doing functional graphics.
Thursday will be the Haskell Symposium. Don Stewart and I will be giving a short about the Haskell Platform. You can see the two page summary paper and I promise I'll post the slides. I hope it will be videoed (guerrilla style so it will not just disappear into the black hole that is the ACM digital library).
Don and I will also be chairing the "Future of Haskell" discussion on Thursday afternoon. There are some interesting things to talk about, we'll probably hear about progress on goals from last year, in particular SMP and Haskell-prime. Then we'll open discussion to the floor to talk about key goals for next year. So I'm looking forward to that.